Task management and Personal Kanban: how I use GitLab Issues

Working on personal and work-related tasks can be overwhelming, especially when you lose sight of what actually needs to be done. What makes it more difficult is that you are constantly interrupted. I have tried many different things, and apps, but nothing really worked. Do not try to make your ...

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Mentors and recommended books

As a consultant, an engineer, or just any employee, you are responsible to provide solutions to challenges and issues you face on the workfloor. No no, let me say it this way, you are responsible to come up with ideas to improve a situation, make it more efficient. Or, in ...

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Highlighting of Code and Text

Code is read more often than it is written. Nothing is truer than this statement. This means that when writing code it is important to have a good idea of what you are doing. Write clean code, which is simple or easy to reason about. Since if you can't ...

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Hello, Internet!

Today I decided to pick up blogging again and asked the question; what to use? I had a simple requirement; 'it has to support Markdown-formatted documents'. The reasoning behind this is simple; I want to be able to use Pandoc to generate other kinds of output if needed. Plus GitBook ...

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Trigger PhoneGap Build from GitHub

You can remotely trigger a build by using the API

First you need to get your auth token:

$ curl -u [email protected] POST -d "" https://build.phonegap.com/token

Test it and retrieve your appid using the following command:

$ curl https://build.phonegap.com/api/v1/me?auth_token=[token ...
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